
This page describes how to configure Databricks credentials for use by Census and why those permissions are needed.

Configuring a new Databricks connection

Census supports Databricks LTS versions: 7.3, 9.1, and 10.4

1. Visit the Sources section on Census, and press New Source, selecting Databricks from the list.

2. Enter the hostname, port, and HTTP Path for your cluster. These can be found in the Databricks UI under Clusters ā†’ [Your Cluster] ā†’ Advanced Options __ ā†’ __ JDBC/ODBC. The Databricks documentation covers this in more detail.

3. Enter your Databricks Access Token. A token can be generated in the šŸ‘¤ā†’ User Settings page in the Databricks UI.

4. Add the following configuration parameters to your cluster. This can be done under Clusters ā†’ [Your Cluster] ā†’ Advanced Options ā†’ Spark.

spark.hadoop.fs.s3n.impl.disable.cache true
spark.hadoop.fs.s3.impl.disable.cache true
spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl.disable.cache true

5. You can skip this step if working in read-only mode. If the CENSUS schema has not been created, please create it by running the following.


6. After the connection is saved, go ahead and press the Test button. This will validate that you've completed the above steps correctly. Once you've got a checkmark for all four steps, you're good to go!

šŸš‘ Need help connecting to Databricks?

Contact us via or start a conversation with us via the in-app chat.

Last updated