Workspace Homepage

Monitor workspace health at a glance with the Workspace Homepage.

This homepage is not meant as an accurate guide for billing. The homepage only represents currently-present syncs and does not account for any deleted syncs.

For accurate billing reporting, please use the Product Usage Dashboard.

Your default Census landing page is the in-app homepage, also available at the top of your sidebar. This is a snapshot of your workspace health, with many levers for granularity:

  • Filter to the last 12 hours, 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days of activity

  • Display the aggregate of all records, or filter to successful vs. failed records

  • Group by destination or by status

  • Pick a single source or destination as a filter

Your workspace’s Open Alerts are also highlighted, so you can click into any syncs that may need immediate attention. Learn more about alerting.

Last updated