Google Display & Video 360

This page describes how to use Census with Google Display & Video 360.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to the Destinations page in Census and click New Destination.

  2. Select Google Display & Video 360 from the menu.

  3. Complete the OAuth flow to grant Census access to DV360. Note that you'll need to create a separate Census connection for each advertiser you wish to send data to.

Supported Objects and Behaviors

Object Name


Sync Keys


Customer Match Audience

Any unique identifier

Update or Create

Contact us if you want Census to support more DV360 objects and/or behaviors.

Syncing Audiences

DV360 contains a number of different audience types but we only support syncing to CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO and CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID. Which audience type we sync to depends on the mappings you select in the sync wizard.

If you want to sync to an audience of type CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID then you should only map to the appId and deviceId fields.

If you want to sync to an audience of type CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO you can map to any field except appId and deviceId.

You cannot mix audience types in a single sync. If you map to the deviceId field you should not add any customer info fields and vice versa.

If you are syncing customer info and you map to an address field (First Name, Last Name, Country Code, Zip Code) then you must map all the address fields.

Digital Markets Act (DMA)

For syncing audiences to DV360, you can include consent information to ensure compatibility with Google's EU User Consent Policy. DV360 now supports two additional fields Consent for ad user data and Consent for ad personalization, which can be set to one of the following values: CONSENT_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED, CONSENT_STATUS_GRANTED, CONSENT_STATUS_DENIED. See Google's documentation for more information.

Need help connecting to Google Display & Video 360?

Contact us via or start a conversation with us via the in-app chat.

Last updated