
This page describes how to configure Elasticsearch as a destination with Census

Getting Started

In this guide, we will show you how to connect to Census and create your first sync.

1. Collect your Elasticsearch Credentials

Census needs the following information to create an Elasticsearch cloud connection:

  • API Key - instructions to create one can be found here

  • Cloud ID - this can be found in your Elasticsearch cloud instance by clicking Help -> Connection Details

  • Elasticsearch Port - default is 443

  • Elasticsearch Scheme - default is https

Other authentication options are available:

  • Key ID - required if created through the dev console, the REST API or self-hosted instance

  • Username (Cloud)

  • Password (Cloud)

  • Elasticsearch Host

  • Username (Hosted)

  • Password (Hosted)

  • CA Certificate

  • CA Fingerprint

2. Connect Elasticsearch in Census

  1. In Census, navigate to Destinations

  2. Click the New Destination button

  3. Select Elasticsearch in the dropdown list

  4. Enter your credentials and click Connect

You're all set!

If you have any questions during setup, or have a use case that is not covered, please write us in-app or send us an email via support@getcensus.com

Supported Objects and Behaviors

Elasticsearch stores data within collections called Models. Your Models in Elasticsearch can be used as objects to sync to from Census.

Object Name


Sync Keys



Document ID

Update or Create Mirror

Contact us if you want Census to support more objects for Elasticsearch.

Need help connecting to Elasticsearch?

Contact us via support@getcensus.com or start a conversation with us via the in-app chat.

Last updated