Facebook Product Catalog

This page describes how to use Census with Facebook Product Catalog.

Facebook Product Catalog allows you to sync your product data to Facebook for use in dynamic ads, Instagram Shopping, and more.

In this guide, we will show you how to connect Facebook Product Catalog to Census and create your first sync.

Getting Started

This destination relies on a Facebook System User token for authenticating requests. A regular system user is recommended over an admin system user. You can use an existing system user or create a new one with the following steps:

Creating a new System User

  1. To generate a system user token, you'll first need an application. If you don't have one already, you can create one with the following steps:

    • Open your Business Manager

    • Navigate to Business Settings > Accounts > Apps

    • Click Add and then Create New App ID

    • For use case select Other

    Facebook App UseCase Screen
    New app usecase screen
    • Then for Type select Business

    New app type
    • Then fill out the relevant details and press Create App

    New app details
  2. Now you can generate a system user for the app. Go to your Business Manager and navigate to Business Settings > Users > System Users

    Business Manager Navigation Panel
  3. Above your list of system users click Add to create a new System User

  4. Provide a name and role. Census does not need an Admin role, Employee is sufficient.

  5. Once the system user is created click on Add Assets and assign the relevant Product Catalogs that you want Census to sync to. Make sure to assign full control of the catalog to the system user.

  6. Now generate a token for the System User by pressing Generate New Token, select the relevant app you created earlier, select the relevant scopes, and then press Generate Token

    • You will need to provide at least the business_management and catalog_management scopes for Census to sync to your product catalogs

    • Make sure to select Never for token expiration so you do not need to manually reauthorize your Census connection every 60 days.

      Token Expiration & Scopes Page
  7. Once your token is generated be sure to save it in a safe place. This is the token you must provide to Census as a credential for your connection.

Using an Existing System User

If you already have a system user you can use it by simply generating a new token with the correct permissions. Census needs the business_management and catalog_management scopes. Also be sure to assign the catalog asset to your system user so Census can sync to it.

Setting Up Connection

You are now ready to set up a connection. Head to the Census Destinations page and press New Destination. From the list select Facebook Product Catalog.

You will need to provide the System User Token you generated earlier along with your Business Account Id and the Catalog Id you want associated with this specific connection. You can find those in your Business Settings in Business Info and Data Sources > Catalogs respectively.

New Facebook Product Catalog connection page

Supported Objects and Behaviors

Each Facebook Product Catalog supports products for a specific vertical. Each vertical is a variant on the base product object within the Facebook system. Currently we support the following variants with more to come. If there's a variant you would like to sync to please contact us about making it happen.

Object Name




Product Item

Retailer Id

Update or Create, Mirror


Hotel Id

Update or Create, Mirror

Contact us if you want Census to support more objects for Facebook Product Catalog.

Need help connecting to Facebook?

Contact us via support@getcensus.com or start a conversation with us via the in-app chat.

Last updated