Workspaces & Access Controls

Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) & Workspaces give Census users the ability to control which members of the organization can access information or take particular actions.

RBAC provides peace of mind, ensuring only those with appropriate permissions can access sensitive user information or take potentially destructive actions with Census Syncs or Census configuration.

Role-Based Access Controls are available on Enterprise plans only. Professional plans can create up to two Workspaces.

Organization Administrators

Members of a Census Organization may be promoted to Administrators, which will give them Owner permissions in all Workspaces and the ability to manage billing, and Organization level settings.


Census Workspaces allow you to manage permissions granularly for different teams or use-cases. Give your Sales team and your Marketing team their own little slice of Census or keep your staging environment separate from prod. The list of Workspaces in your organization is always visible to all members of your organization, but you can control the level of access for members by assigning them a role.

Invite Users to a Workspace

Workspace Roles

Workspace members each have one of four different roles:

  • Owner – This is the default permission for Organization Administrators within a Census Organization. It gives the user access to everything, including managing warehouse & destination connections, API keys, and adding/removing users.

  • Editor – This role grants access to most things in the workspaces including adding destination connections, in addition to creating and editing syncs and models.

  • Operator – The Operator Role is a special role within Census. It fits between the Editor and Viewer permissions, allowing members with this role to primarily work with Segments. Operators are able to create and edit segments, as well as manage syncing datasets and segments. They won't be able create new datasets, or modify any existing connections details.

  • Viewer - The read-only viewer on Census. They can view syncs and segments, and approved models, but cannot modify or take any action within Census.

Access Details


View Warehouse Connections

Create & Manage Warehouse Connections

Create & Manage dbt / Looker Connections

View Destination Connections

Create Destination Connections

Manage Destination Connections

Preview Sample for Datasets

Query Models

Create & Edit Datasets

Create & Edit Segments

View Syncs

Create, Edit & Run Syncs on Segments & Datasets*

Create, Edit & Run Syncs on Datasets, Tables & Views

Invite New Users

Manage Member Roles

Create & Manage API Keys

Creating a Workspace

To get started creating a new Workspace, hit the "Create Workspace" button from your organization dashboard. Then simply name your new Workspace and you're done!

Disabling Data Previews

Census provides sample data when working with models, segments, and syncs to help users understand their data sets, as well as what's being synced. Some organizations may prefer to restrict the ability to preview data to specific tools.

In this case, you can choose to disable the ability to preview data in Census on a per workspace basis. To disable data previews in Census, reach out to your success manager or send an email to Census Support.

Last updated